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Thursday, 21 january 2021
Mirova, a benchmark player in sustainable finance active in Europe and in the international market, continued to mobilize its efforts throughout 2020 in support of biodiversity, as testified by its many achievements in this area. We offer below a brief panorama of its activities.
Despite the postponement of events owing to the health crisis, Mirova continued to pursue its activities in line, notably, with its biodiversity roadmap.
Numerous efforts were made to speed up investments in natural capital and in Nature-Based Solutions with a view to approaching the target of 1 billion dollars under management by 2022. Assets under management dedicated to natural capital virtually doubled between December 2019 and December 2020 and now total $575 million1.
2020 also enabled Mirova to make progress, in association with a large number of players (partnership with AXA Investment Managers, BNPP AM and Sycomore AM, Mirova), on the creation of a tool to measure the impact on biodiversity of listed companies. An indicator should be rolled out at the end of 2021, with the first reports published in 2022.
Finally, in 2020 Mirova joined several concrete initiatives (Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosure, Finance for Biodiversity Pledge, etc.) to ensure that biodiversity and nature become an integral part of investment strategies, both in terms of the associated risks and the opportunities to be supported. And 2021 will see the pursuit of this work and these initiatives.
More than ever, Mirova is strengthening its position as a major player in biodiversity and sustainable finance both in France and internationally in order to offer its clients investment solutions that reconcile the pursuit of financial performance with positive environmental and social impacts.
The services of Mirova’s natural capital platform are exclusively reserved for professional clients and eligible counterparties.
Portfolio management company – Société Anonyme (Public Limited Company)
RCS Paris n°394 648 216 – AMF approval n° GP 02-014
59, Avenue Pierre Mendes France – 75013 – Paris
Mirova is an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers.
1 Net asset value as at September 30, 2020. Assets under management (AUM) may include assets for which non-regulatory AUM services are offered. This includes assets that do not meet the definition of “regulatory AUM” as set out by the SEB in its Form ADV, Part 1.