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Tuesday, 14 december 2021
The Belem Foundation took advantage of the Paris Boat Show to announce its new sailing schedule for 2022 with nearly thirty ‘full immersion’ trips aboard the three-masted ship.
With a total of twenty-nine voyages planned from April to October 2022, the Belem will be plying the waves of the Atlantic Ocean, English Channel, North Sea and Irish Sea with stopovers in Norway, Scotland, and Ireland, and – for the very first time – a visit to the Faroe Islands. The three-masted ship will also take part in four events: her return to the Arcachon basin in April 102 years after her first visit, the Fécamp Grand’Escale maritime gathering in May, the Bordeaux wine festival in June and, finally, the Ostend à l’Ancre sailing festival in Belgium in July.
The last French three-masted barque celebrated its 125th anniversary this year. Sponsored by the Caisses d’Epargne for the past 41 years, the Belem Foundation pursues activities of general public interest: welcoming as many visitors and schoolchildren as possible to the quayside, and enabling as many people as possible to experience the life of the sailor at sea.
Learn more about the program on www.fondationbelem.com.