5 Group life insurance contracts win awards!

Monday, 25 april 2022

At the 37th ‘Oscars of Insurance’ prize-giving ceremony, an event organized on April 14th by the private banking magazine Gestion de Fortune, several Groupe BPCE insurance contracts received awards.

For Banque PopulaireQuintessa 2, in the category ‘life insurance contract with assets in excess of €5 billion,’ and PER Banque Populaire, in the category ‘individual pension savings plan contract offered by an insurance/bancassurance company.’

For the Caisse d’EpargneMillevie Premium 2, in the category ‘life insurance contract with profiled management – dynamic profile,’ Millevie Infinie 2, in the category ‘top-of-the-range life insurance contract,’ and Millevie PER, in the category ‘individual pension savings plan contract offered by an insurance/bancassurance company.’

These awards – which were presented by a panel comprised of journalists and leading figures from the world of insurance – represent a fine tribute paid by market players to the savings solutions distributed by the Banques Populaires and Caisses d’Epargne networks.