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Tuesday, 9 june 2020
Apetiz, Natixis Payments’ meal voucher solution and one of the front-ranking products in this market, was operational as soon as the new meal voucher measures were first announced.
The aim of the measures announced by the French government – an increase in the daily ceiling for meal vouchers used in restaurants from €19 to €38, the possibility to use them on Sundays and public holidays, the creation of a solidarity fund maintained by lost or expired vouchers, etc. – is to support the tourist industry. The Apetiz teams, which had suggested and supported these measures, did everything necessary to take account of these new arrangements. They also noted that the health crisis had increased the preference expressed by users – following an already well-established trend – for the digitization of their payment instruments.
Apetiz, in a nutshell:
– A payment solution available in the form of a card or paper voucher, recommended by 95% of its customers,
– 1 million users every day,
– 36,000 corporate and local authority customers.