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Friday, 4 february 2022
It’s ‘zero hour’ for the opening ceremony of the Beijing Games. Groupe BPCE, a partner of the French Olympic & Paralympic Team, offers the athletes its unwavering support.
It’s official! The 2022 Winter Olympics have now begun! The 88 athletes in the French delegation will do their utmost to shine during the events as they try to surpass the record of 15 medals won at the previous games staged in PyeongChang in 2018!
The employees of Groupe BPCE’s companies – people committed in their daily lives to all those involved in the world of sport and the No.1 supporters of the French Olympic & Paralympic Team – will be sharing, for 15 days, the thrills and spills of the sporting events and the athletes’ performances. This is particularly true for five of the athletes sponsored by the Caisse d’Epargne Rhône Alpes: Tiffany Gauthier in downhill skiing, Justine Braisaz-Bouchet in biathlon, Maurice Manificat in cross-country skiing, Bastien Midol in ski cross and Loan Bozzolo in snowboard cross.
Already immersed in the atmosphere of the Beijing Games for the past few days, the Group’s employees will also be getting personally involved in this great sporting adventure thanks to the wealth of activities (competitions, events, quizzes, etc.) organized throughout the competition.
To learn more about the Group’s commitment to sport, click here.
Photo (from left to right): Loan Bozzolo, Bastien Midol, Maurice Manificat, Tiffany Gauthier, and Justine Braisaz-Bouchet