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Tuesday, 28 april 2020
Delivering and collecting banknotes and coins in France: this activity carried out by the Group’s Fiduciary division is one of the key services in the banking relationship and plays a key role in building trust between a bank and its customers.
It is therefore natural that the Fiduciary division should have been, from the very outset, at the forefront of the efforts to mitigate the impact of the crisis, to ensure continuity of service for the customers of the Group’s companies and for the French population in general across its full range of activities: management of ATMs and the self-service cash deposit machines used by professional customers. In normal times, the Fiduciary division manages 900,000 transactions every day: 750,000 withdrawals from ATMs and 150,000 deposits (mainly from retailers who deposit their cash at branch-based ATMs).
After a sharp surge in activity in the days before the lockdown measures came into effect – when ATMs had to be refilled to keep pace with the massive cash withdrawals made by the French (+25% in the number of withdrawals and +31% in value) – the number of ATM transactions has fallen over the past 5 or more weeks with a 40% decline in withdrawals and a 60% drop in deposits.
To maintain this vital service in the banking relationship, the division has had to adapt very quickly to these sharp fluctuations while simultaneously maintaining the quality of its services. Today, the availability rate of ATMs is 99% (98.5% before the crisis) and the ‘counting time’* is 4 days (compared to 3.5 before the crisis).
The Fiduciary division has been able to count on the skills, commitment and solidarity of its teams, and has organized itself to deal with the situation, notably by setting up a daily transactions monitoring system (analysis of statistics, volumes, variations, etc.), the immediate sharing of this information between the Banque Populaire banks, Caisses d’Epargne, and BPCE, in addition to enhanced coordination of the players within the BPCE Community. The commitment of IT operators has been decisive in the rollout of different measures, such as the creation of monitoring systems and webinars.
This response to the crisis will further speed up the transformation of the division’s operating model, a change that has been underway for several months, notably with the support of service providers (cash transporters, ATM operators, etc.), and the increased use of data to better anticipate business fluctuations.
* Time between the moment customers deposit their cash and the moment when the banknotes are counted by the cash transporter.