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Thursday, 8 june 2023
On June 5, the jury for the Next Innov Prize staged by Banque Populaire and the digital media Maddyness revealed the identity of the 2023 prizewinners after hearing the pitches delivered by the 10 finalists and following 4 hours of discussions.
This 6th edition of the Prix Next Innov underscored the vitality, quality, and social commitment of the entrepreneurial innovation ecosystem in France. Louis Fleuret, Deputy Director of La French Tech, and Paul Midy, a Member of the French Parliament representing Paris-Saclay, took this opportunity to share their vision and the importance of supporting innovative businesses if France is to remain a contender in the global technological competition and preserve its national sovereignty.
Banque Populaire ‘s Next Innov competition has been working to this end for the past six years through its support for innovative high-growth companies throughout France, providing almost €1.5 billion in funding and supporting 1 out of 2 entrepreneurs on the FT120/Next 40 business index and more than 150 employees.
Details about the three prizes awarded:
A number of special mentions were also awarded: the International Award went to Peftrust®, a carbon measurement tool for fashion brands. The Impact Award went to vorteX-io, a data service offering technological monitoring solutions to reduce and prevent ecological disasters related to watercourses. Last but not least, the Public Vote Award went to Welii , a platform designed to optimize companies’ SaaS purchasing processes.
The social commitment and vitality of the Next Innov competition were particularly on show in the seven regional editions of the awards, which attracted 400 candidates in addition to the 220 startups nationwide. A record-breaking 2,254 votes were cast by the public: we look forward to the 7th edition of this competition in 2024!