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Wednesday, 22 november 2023
The new edition of the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities has been launched and will run from Monday, November 20 to Sunday, November 26, 2023.
The European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities has become a major event for jobseekers with disabilities, recruiters, and business leaders. To mark this one-week campaign, Groupe BPCE is again taking steps to raise awareness and provide information about the employability of people with disabilities, and to take action in their favor. The policy pursued by Groupe BPCE over the past several years is founded on various criteria: recruitment, job retention, and the use of entities in the sheltered and adapted work sector, in addition to commitments in terms of communication and awareness-building.
This year, in its capacity as a Premium Partner of the Olympic & Paralympic Games Paris 2024, Groupe BPCE wanted to highlight a number of inspiring stories that give pride of place to the values of sport. How? By publishing the personal testimonies of five high-level para-athletes supported by Group companies. This initiative provides an opportunity to highlight their tenacity and their commitment that transcends their disability and, above all, to express Groupe BPCE’s pride in offering its support to these exceptional athletes. We remind readers that Groupe BPCE companies support 70 paralympic athletes both in their sporting endeavors and in the development of their professional careers.
Group employees also had the opportunity to discover a group of inspirational people through a live broadcast with Vivre FM radio that covered a large number of topics: illness and work, autism, endometriosis, life crises, etc.
Discover below the five personal testimonies (in French) of these extraordinary athletes supported by Groupe BPCE companies: