Disability policy: Groupe BPCE pursues its ongoing commitment

Tuesday, 15 november 2022

Groupe BPCE companies are mobilizing their efforts for this new edition of the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities (EWPD) held from November 14 to 20.

This week-long event dedicated to bringing together a concerned community of individuals and entities provides an opportunity for the Group’s different companies to organize a large number of actions designed to raise awareness, inform, and take action to facilitate the employability of people with disabilities. Group employees are invited to meet and talk with inspiring individuals – be they comedians, chefs or elite athletes – who have overcome their disabilities with talent. Other initiatives have been planned to promote the professional inclusion of people with disabilities, particularly in the IT sector.

Groupe BPCE’s commitment to inclusion and equal opportunities is reflected year after year in its support for its employees with disabilities.  In 2021, 165 disabled individuals were offered positions in the Group, more than half of them on permanent contracts, bringing their number to 4,438, including 4,351 on permanent contracts, representing an employment rate of 6%.  What is more, Groupe BPCE made use of the sheltered employment sector, devoting ‘useful revenues’* worth a total of €9.6m to procurement from this sector.   

* “Chiffre d’affaires utile”: an amount excluding tax levied on supplies, work or services, after deduction of the cost of raw materials, products, materials and selling expenses.