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Monday, 27 march 2023
On Wednesday, March 15th, the Fédération Nationale des Caisses d’Epargne hosted a panel of experts, former athletes, and partners for an original web conference jointly organized with Finances & Pédagogie, the Association of French Olympians, and the INSEP Alumni Club.
The topic discussed during the webinar? The career conversion of elite athletes, a subject that it’s never too soon to talk about! The meeting provided an opportunity to explore a subject that is still insufficiently covered in discussions with athletes during their careers. The web conference gave the floor to former champions who, after a successful sporting career, made a successful transition to professional life: by finding a job in the case of Bastien Lamon, a former top-level handball player who was hired at the age of 35 as a Business Partnership Development Manager at the Caisse d’Epargne Hauts de France, or by becoming an entrepreneur in the case of David Larose, a former judoka and founder of SSM Academy, who managed to capitalize on his experience as an athlete to successfully set up his own business… without forgetting the advice of three-time world and Olympic mogul skiing champion Edgar Grospiron.
The webinar was organized under the aegis of the partnership signed by the Fédération Nationale des Caisses d’Epargne and the Finances & Pédagogie association with the Association of French Olympians (Association des Olympiens Français) to help Olympic athletes manage the financial aspects of their sporting – and post-sporting – careers. This session is the first concrete result of the work carried out so far and will subsequently lead to many other events, even beyond the Olympic Games Paris 2024.
The video Elite athletes, the challenges of a successful transition is already available for replay on the Finances & Pédagogie YouTube channel.
We would like to remind readers that Finances & Pédagogie is a training organization that develops courses in financial education. Its aim is to promote the mastery of money matters in people’s private and professional lives with a view to helping everyone enjoy the benefits of full economic citizenship. These actions are designed for all types of public and carried out in association with partners in the social economy, educational establishments, and public and private companies. In 2022, Finances & Pédagogie provided training for nearly 50,000 people, including more than 4,500 people in professional training.
Photo caption, from left to right: René Metz, Vice President of the Association of French Olympians, Clémence Peyron, Fédération Nationale des Caisses d’Epargne Communications, and Pierre Macé, Chief Executive Officer of the Fédération Nationale des Caisses d’Epargne and President of Finances & Pédagogie.