Employee savings plans: Socially Responsible Investment is making headway!

Tuesday, 21 may 2019

Natixis Interépargne, the leading player in SRI employee savings plans, publishes a survey of 2,000 savers and 200 employee savings managers.

Although the results of this survey, conducted between March 15 and May 2 earlier this year, reveal a certain sensitivity to environmental and social issues and a limited understanding of SRI mechanisms, they also highlight a real appetite for responsible investment.  

The survey’s principal findings:
69% of companies offer at least one SRI fund in their employee savings plan system
80% of companies and 90% of savers are not familiar with the terminology specific to SRI
32% of savers say that they invest in SRI funds
56% of them plan to increase the proportion of their employee savings invested in SRI in the coming months
Only 13% of companies and 19% of savers believe that SRI funds underperform other funds.
Clearer information would encourage 64% of savers and 82% of companies to invest more in these funds.

With 3 million savers, 75,000 corporate customers, and a market share of nearly 30%, Natixis Interépargne is the leading player in employee savings plans; it is also No.1 in retirement savings. The company bases its activities on the range of financial management solutions developed by Natixis Investment Managers, a specialist in active investment strategies for employee savings plans.

*Source: Association Française de gestion financière (French Financial Management Association)

Click here to read the press release and the complete survey