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Tuesday, 2 may 2023
Promoting cycling among its employees is the goal pursued by Groupe BPCE and its companies on the occasion of the 3rd edition of the Mai à vélo (‘Month of May on a Bike’) campaign
First launched in 2020 by the French Ministry of Ecological Transition & Territorial Cohesion and the Ministry of Sports and Olympic & Paralympic Games, the ‘Month of May on a Bike’ campaign sets out to encourage the practice of cycling in all its forms.
From May 1 to 31, Groupe BPCE and its companies, partners of the 2023 edition, are organizing a host of events for their employees ranging from learning how to ride a bike or brushing up about road safety to the organization of a connected challenge, repair workshops or a reconditioned bike exchange.
Groupe BPCE, a premium partner of the Olympic & Paralympic Games Paris 2024, and also a Group committed to the fight against global warming, has set itself the goal of reducing its own carbon footprint, which is why this partnership with ‘Month of May on a Bike’ makes so much sense!