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Friday, 30 october 2020
On Climate Finance Day, Nicolas Namias, Chief Executive Officer of Natixis, spoke about the active role played by Natixis in the development of green and sustainable finance.
“Sustainable finance: how to stimulate the real European economy?” was the theme of the 6th edition of Climate Finance Day, staged on October 29, 2020, in the Palais Brongniart, the building that previously housed the Paris stock exchange. This event, of which Natixis was a premium sponsor for the first time, is now recognized as one of the major international meetings on climate issues. It brings together high-level representatives from the financial industry, regulatory authorities and governments, as well as from civil society.
Natixis’ commitment to the energy and ecological transition is reflected in the implementation of specific financing and the creation of dedicated savings solutions.
Speeding up our customers’ transition
Natixis is one of the front-ranking players in renewable energy financing: 90% (Natixis non-financial performance report 2019) of our financing in the power generation sector is dedicated to renewable energy. Natixis offers its customers innovative financial instruments that incorporate binding environmental criteria (sustainability linked bonds, sustainability linked loans).
Natixis also uses the Green Weighting Factor, an innovative tool designed to speed up its own transition by favoring the most climate-friendly financing and penalizing financing that involves environmental risks. This tool also enables the bank to anticipate regulatory changes in green finance.
Continuing our transition trajectory
Natixis recently reinforced its exclusion measures for sectors incompatible with the energy transition.
“Since May 2020, we have ceased financing projects dedicated to, and companies active in, the exploration and production of shale oil and gas. What is more, Natixis has completed its coal policy and decided to discontinue its support for companies developing new capacity for coal-fired power plants or thermal coal mines. We are also setting up a timetable for a total withdrawal from thermal coal with a deadline of 2030 for EU and OECD countries and 2040 for the rest of the world,” said Nicolas Namias, CEO of Natixis.
Natixis also allocates capital to companies wanting to develop their green activities and technologies as well as to high carbon-emitting industries that are credibly committed to a transition pathway.
Measuring the carbon footprint of investment portfolios
Natixis Assurances is aligning its investment policy with the 2°C trajectory objectives fixed by the Paris Climate Agreement and making the carbon footprint of its investments an integral part of its non-financial ESG investment policy. Every year, it devotes nearly 10% of its investments to green assets, with a target of 10% green assets in its total assets under management by 2030 at the latest.
Mirova, a Natixis Investment Managers affiliate dedicated to sustainable investment, is one of the two French management companies included in the group of PRI Leaders comprised of 36 companies. This distinction confirms its status as a management company at the forefront of responsible investment. Natixis Assurances is also a member of this group in the ‘institutional investors’ category.
* PRI: the leading international organization for responsible investment has attracted 2,400 signatories, institutional investors and asset managers.
Natixis, a recognized player in the financial sector, is committed to a transition towards sustainable development in all its business activities.