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Thursday, 3 october 2019
The “Degas at the Opera” exhibition runs from September 24, 2019 to January 19, 2020 at the Musée d’Orsay.
This exhibition, planned to coincide with the 350th anniversary of the Paris Opera, brings together more than 150 works of art and plunges visitors into the very heart of the illustrious Opera building. Edgar Degas, who made the Opera a central element in his work, explores different spaces and expresses his passion for the men and women occupying them: dancers, musicians, spectators. He captures the movement, multiplies the points of view, and highlights the details of the stage environment to give visual life to singing, music and dance.
Long committed to sponsoring painting and music, Natixis has also been a partner of the Paris Opera since 2015, as a founding patron of the Opera’s Academy and main sponsor of the “Musicians in residence” program.