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Thursday, 9 july 2020
On July 7, the shortlisted candidates made their pitches via Microsoft Teams to the final selection panel of the Next Innov Prize.
Despite the health crisis, more than 150 start-ups sent in applications and took part in this 3rd edition of the BtoB Start-up Prize backed by Banque Populaire and Maddyness.
In a session organized before the 10 panelists and partners (Bpifrance, Pramex International, Seventure Partners, HEC, Le Pot Commun, Tiller, The Camp, Fiblac), the ten start-ups presented their business models and ambitions in fields as diverse as HR, mobility, business administration, contract management, teleworking, and CSR, etc. It’s quite possible that one of them will turn out to be the market champion of the future!
As Banque Populaire Auvergne-Rhône Alpes also wanted to support the development of BtoB startups in its geographical region and reassert its role as an actively committed player in the local ecosystem, it decided to organize a Next Innov prize specifically dedicated to its local catchment area. This initiative met with a highly favorable response and enjoyed a real success both with the business community and with the major partners of the Next Innov network. Six of the eighty participants were awarded prizes at the regional level while one of them was chosen to go on and compete at the national level.
At the end of the 3rd edition of this competition designed to reward performance-enhancing innovations for businesses, three major prizes will be presented along with a special “internationalization” award and a public prize.
In addition to the cash prizes, the 2020 winners will be able to count on Banque Populaire and its Next Innov network dedicated to innovative firms, start-ups and established SMEs to help them to raise their public profiles and speed up the pace of their development.
The next stage will take place in mid-September when you’ll be invited to vote for the candidate of your choice on the social networks prior to the prize-giving ceremony scheduled for September 29.