Oney supports its most vulnerable customers

Friday, 9 october 2020

Oney, a subsidiary of Groupe BPCE (50.1%) and Auchan Holding (49.9%), has announced that it will be stepping up the partnership it forged in 2013 with Crésus, a network of associations helping people in situations of financial vulnerability.

Against a backdrop of economic uncertainty related to the Covid-19 crisis – and despite the fact that the number of applications submitted to the commissions on over-indebtedness has decreased by nearly 40% in five years (2019 Banque de France report on over-indebtedness) – several commitments have been made within the framework of this partnership: 

  •  A program designed for the 250 Oney France employees in contact with the 7.6 million customers to help them better detect and support the most vulnerable customers, starting in September 2020.
  • A skills sponsorship program to run training sessions on money management in Apprentice Training Centers (CFA), middle schools and high schools.
  •  Participation in the Budget Grande Vitesse (“High Speed Budget”) initiative launched by Crésus with the help of several major French companies, which will see the creation in 2021 of a free web and mobile app designed for the general public to help people learn how to manage their budgets.