Pink October: the Caisse d’Epargne mobilizes against breast cancer

Monday, 4 october 2021

The Caisse d’Epargne has been involved with the Pink Ribbon association for the past seven years and is continuing its mobilization against breast cancer through a large-scale campaign.

During the month of October, a large number of initiatives will be organized throughout France and on the social networks by the regional Caisses d’Epargne. A communication campaign will raise awareness among as many people as possible of the need for the early detection of breast cancer, a disease that still affects one out of every eight women in France today. 

Once again this year, the Caisse d’Epargne has mobilized its two partners, the French Handball and Basketball Federations, through various original initiatives devoted to solidarity and sport. It has also set up the #Generose Challenge, a campaign organized from October 11 to 24 with a view to attracting donations through sponsored walks or runs.  

All of the funds collected will be donated to the Pink Ribbon association, which works all year round in support of medical and scientific research. 

To learn more about this campaign, click here: “All mobilized, all #generose!”