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Thursday, 16 july 2020
Three Groupe BPCE banks have signed an agreement with the Île-de-France (Greater Paris) region to make it easier for local residents facing higher risks of ill health to become first-time homeowners.
On July 9, the Île-de-France Region signed an initial series of agreements with CNP Assurances, La Banque Postale, and three Groupe BPCE banks (Banque Populaire Rives de Paris, Banque Populaire Val de France, and Caisse d’Epargne Ile-de-France) defining the terms and conditions for implementing the Garantie Immobilière Solidaire (Solidarity Real Estate Guarantee) announced at the end of 2019. This scheme helps first-time homebuyers – irrespective of whether they are private individuals or professionals (commercial leases) – living in the Ile-de-France region and facing a heightened risk of ill health, to acquire their own homes.
All Île-de-France residents wanting to buy their first home or obtain a commercial lease will be eligible for this support.
The Garantie Immobilière Solidaire will be available as of August 25, 2020.