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Friday, 10 december 2021
The Albiréo and Antarès data center campuses have both been certified compliant with ISO 14001 and 50001 international standards, testifying to their success in energy and environmental management.
At the end of November, Groupe BPCE’s 4 data centers located on the Albiréo campus in Castres (Tarn département, southern France) and on the Antarès campus in the Seine-et-Marne département north of Paris were both certified compliant with the ISO 14001 standard for environmental management systems and the ISO 50001 standard for energy management systems. Obtaining ISO 14001 certification shows that the company has implemented a continuous improvement process to reduce all the company’s environmental impacts in the short, medium and long term: waste, noise, greenhouse gases, and energy consumption.
ISO 50001 certification recognizes the company’s commitment to energy management: use of sustainable resources, anticipation of maintenance work, optimized renewal of equipment, measurement and adaptation of electricity and water consumption, and purchase of energy-saving products and services. As a result, 40% of the electricity used by the Group’s two data center campuses is now generated by wind power*.
These two certifications confirm the continuous improvement approach taken by the Group and the active commitment of the personnel working for BPCE Infogérance & Technologies and Albiant-IT, the subsidiary responsible for managing the data centers, to reducing the Group’s carbon footprint, an effort in line with the climate ambitions of our BPCE 2024 strategic plan.
Our warmest congratulations to the teams involved!
* Source: Group Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) describing the wind farm and its energy supply capacity.