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Friday, 28 august 2020
Natixis Coficiné, a company specializing in the financing of the film and audiovisual industries, is the No.1 player in the European film financing market.
A series of new theatrical releases for you to enjoy in your local cinema… without forgetting your masks!
• Night Shift (Police) by Anne Fontaine, with Omar Sy, Virginie Efira, and Grégory Gadebois,
• Mama Weed (La Daronne) by Jean-Paul Salomé, with Isabelle Huppert, Hippolyte Girardot, and Farida Ouchani,
• Remember me by Martín Rosete, with Bruce Dern, Caroline Silhol, and Brian Cox,
• J’irai mourir dans les Carpates (“I’ll go die in the Carpathian Mountains”) by Antoine de Maximy, with Antoine de Maximy, Alice Pol, and Max Boublil,
• Bout’chou by Adrien Piquet-Gauthier, with Carole Bouquet, Gérard Darmon, and Clémentine Célarié.
• My Cousin by Jan Kounen, with Vincent Lindon, François Damiens, and Pascale Arbillot,
• Josep by Aurel, with Sergi López, Gérard Hernandez, and Bruno Solo.
Click here to learn more about Natixis Coficiné’s activities