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Tuesday, 17 december 2019
The Banque Populaire Foundation has joined the Mise en œuvre(s)* support system for contemporary music.
The special campaign launched by this initiative – entitled “Playing an active part in contemporary creation” – sets out to support performing artists wanting to commission a work from composers of contemporary music.
Considering the Banque Populaire Foundation’s major commitment to supporting and accompanying artists specializing in contemporary classical music, it is natural that it should facilitate access to this support system for its prizewinners.
Much more than mere financial support
In partnership with proarti.fr, the first participatory sponsorship platform dedicated to supporting artistic creation and cultural discovery, the French Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers of Music (Sacem) and the Banque Populaire Foundation are offering much more than mere financial support. The Foundation’s prizewinners will benefit from the platform’s support to help them develop their strategy and offer them customized follow-up support.
For each selected project, Sacem and the Banque Populaire Foundation will provide funding in stages throughout the entire participatory fundraising campaign, each up to a total of 25% of the collection target. This support is capped at €6,000 per project and is conditional on the project successfully achieving its funding target.
The Mise en oeuvre(s) system: a few figures
– 4 editions
– Funds in excess of €180,000 gathered
– 27 projects supported
– More than 1,105 donors.
* The name of the support system, Mise en œuvre(s), is a play on words offering two possible readings: “implementation” or “set to music” (roughly translated).