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Monday, 27 may 2019
For the French, the principal expectations are the presence of a customer advisor and access to digital solutions.
This research* highlights three main trends: the French have noticed – and broadly approve – the innovations made by banks and are expecting greater complementarity between physical and digital banking in the coming years; they also express an ever-growing concern about the security of their personal data.
Laurent Mignon, Chairman of the FBF, said: “Innovation lies at the very heart of the French banking industry, with the primary objective of satisfying our customers. Through this study, we are pleased to note that the French have massively adopted the new services provided by the banks. What is more – and this is another reason for satisfaction – they think that banking is a key sector of our economy, recognize its efficiency, and more than 8 out of 10 consider it important to have a strong domestic banking industry.”
*Study carried out in association with the IFOP polling and market research institute (Institut français d’opinion publique) between November and December 2018 on a sample of 2,014 people