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Friday, 6 january 2023
Interested candidates can sign up to join Groupe BPCE’s Inspection générale – for positions as bank auditors, IT auditors, and quantitative auditors – from January 3 to February 5, 2023 inclusive.
Joining the Inspection générale means benefiting from a challenging and highly informative training path… and simultaneously giving a major boost to your career! You will develop a global and transversal vision of the bank’s different activities, enabling you to develop a wealth of new skills.
To better understand the work of an auditor:
– Sign up for the live broadcast aired on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 6:00pm when you’ll have an opportunity to ask all your questions ;
– Visit the dedicated web site ;
– Learn about the daily life of an auditor on the LinkedIn page.
Interested in becoming an auditor?
Les étapes du processus de recrutement :