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Monday, 29 april 2024
The Olympic adventure has begun! On Saturday April 27, the Olympic Flame was officially taken aboard the Belem to set sail for Marseille.
This 12-day voyage, not quite identical to its previous cruises, will take the legendary three-masted sailing vessel, supported by Caisse d’Epargne, its long-standing patron for more than 40 years, along the Mediterranean coast from Greece to France.
The Olympic Flame will be escorted by 14 young Eclaireurs (‘Forerunners’ or ‘Pathfinders’) selected by the regional Caisses d’Epargne with the help of local social integration associations. Clara, Chloé, Eléonor, Steven, Manon, Noémie, Hugo, Lucas, the two Nathans, Shawn, Thomas, Yassine and Zabih will all be taking part in this unique and unforgettable adventure, and there’s no doubt that these young people will be the pride of their respective regions and towns.
All this is happening before the official start of the great public celebration inspired by the Paris 2024 Torch Relay that will begin in the city of Marseille on May 8, 2024.
This historic moment represents a magnificent tribute to Caisse d’Epargne’s support for the Belem, a jewel in the crown of the French maritime heritage, but it will also be a time for sharing strong emotions, and an opportunity to promote the values of sport, diversity, inclusion, and personal commitment.
Caisse d’Epargne, a Premium Partner of the Olympic & Paralympic Games Paris 2024, is proud to help ensure these Games are ‘useful to all’ and to bring the excitement of the Paris 2024 Games to as many people as possible in every region of France.
After arriving in Marseille on May 8th, the Paris 2024 Olympic Flame will begin its journey through local and regional France the following day when the Torch Relay will carry the spirit of Paris 2024 all the way to Paris. This momentous occasion will be marked by symbolic milestones and festive moments organized locally in particular by the Banques Populaires and Caisses d’Epargne, Official Sponsors of the Paris 2024 Olympic Torch Relay.
Crédit photo : Vincent Curutchet / Caisse d’Epargne