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Thursday, 16 february 2023
The mascots of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 turned up as guests at the training sessions of athletes supported by the Group’s companies.
Some twenty athletes supported by the companies of Communauté BPCE, Natixis Corporate & Investment Banking, Natixis Investment Managers, Natixis Interépargne, Banque Palatine, and Oney agreed to pose with the Olympic & Paralympic Phryge mascots, displaying a touch of whimsical good humor along with a reference to their respective sports!
We hope that the support of these little mascots will bring our athletes good luck in the world’s greatest sporting event. We’re impatient for the Olympic & Paralympic Games Paris 2024 to begin!
To date, more than 200 high-level athletes from throughout all of France are being supported by Groupe BPCE companies, notably through the Performance Pact. The aim is to achieve two closely related objectives: to provide athletes with sponsorship, training and retraining opportunities to give them the peace of mind they need to pursue their dual sporting and professional projects and, in the process, to maximize their chances of performing well during the upcoming events, especially during the Olympic & Paralympic Games Paris 2024, of which Groupe BPCE is a Premium Partner.
“We share the same flame”