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Tuesday, 7 april 2020
Battling on, never giving up, succeeding one day, falling the next, getting back on your feet again: this day-to-day experience of healthcare workers resonates particularly strongly among sportsmen and women!
Aware of this similarity of experience, two entrepreneurs in the sports industry, former top-level athletes and employees of Groupe BPCE, decided to launch a citizen’s initiative in support of healthcare workers with the help of the entire sporting community: #TOUSENBLANC (or “All in white”).
The aim of this initiative is to unite the French sporting community – from Sunday joggers to top-level athletes – around the hashtag #TOUSENBLANC. The underlying idea is simple: just share on social networks a photo or video of yourself wearing a white T-shirt (or sweater, or sweatshirt, etc.) making a sign of encouragement.
The website www.TOUSENBLANC.org more details about this non-commercial citizen’s initiative and encourages people to join in, and to make a donation to the Fondation de France. The sports newspaper l’Equipe is giving this initiative extensive coverage in its different printed and online media.
The sporting community is in the starting blocks, ready to get dressed in white…
And what about you? #All in white?