Two Groupe BPCE companies awarded the Cancer@Work label

Tuesday, 15 october 2019

Banque Populaire Val de France and the Caisse d’Epargne Loire-Centre have been awarded the first Cancer@Work label created in 2019 to promote actions to facilitate the inclusion of cancer sufferers in the workplace.

These two Group companies have met all the conditions of this new certification, aligned with the corporate social responsibility standards of the Global Reporting Initiative*. The certification was designed collectively by the members of the Cancer@Work association, with the support of the insurance and social protection companies AXA and Malakoff Médéric, and the cancer research company Roche France.

A pioneering approach
The two Groupe BPCE companies are particularly committed to the “cancer, chronic diseases and work” approach launched in 2016 at the initiative of employees affected by the disease. In addition to signing a charter, this approach consists in taking concrete actions to include cancer in Human Resources or CSR policies at all levels: when the diagnosis is first announced, during treatment, when the employee returns to work, in dealings with colleagues and managers, etc.

To date, twenty Group companies have signed the Cancer@Work charter. Banque Populaire Méditerranée, the Caisse d’Epargne Côte d’Azur,  BRED Banque Populaire, Crédit Coopératif and Ensemble Protection sociale joined the movement in 2019.
The role of caregivers 
The Cancer@Work association also presented the results of its 3rd barometer survey, after those carried out in 2013 and 2016. The results of this survey show, in particular, the increasing importance of the question of caregivers in the daily lives of working people: 42% of them have a relative affected by cancer.

* The Global Reporting Initiative, an NGO founded in 1997, has set up a set of indicators, widely used in CSR reports, designed to measure the level of progress of companies’ sustainable development programs.

Cancer@Work 2019 Barometer

To know more

To know more

3rd edition – Cancer and work (French only)


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