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Wednesday, 16 december 2020
The Banque Populaire skipper is maintaining her 12th place in the overall rankings as she sails through the roaring 40s in the heart of the Indian Ocean. Armel Le Cléac’h, winner of the previous Vendée Globe, shares his analysis of Clarisse’s first month in the race.
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The Breton sailor, who’s waiting for the launch of his new maxi Trimaran Banque Populaire XI scheduled for the spring of 2021, reviews the racing performance of the young woman he agreed to help in pursuit of her 2020 Vendée Globe objective, after acting as her “mentor” during her training period. It’s now up to Clarisse to put into practice the valuable advice she received from her “coach” Armel.
Photo credit: Y. Zedda/BPCE