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Monday, 16 september 2019
Mobility Week will be celebrated across Europe from September 16 to 22, 2019. Walking, cycling, carpooling, public transport, teleworking, etc… any and every way of “getting around” differently is appropriate when it means limiting our impact on the environment. And there is a good reason for this: in France, it has been calculated that transport is the source of one third of all greenhouse gas emissions*.
In line with its commitments to reduce its carbon footprint, Groupe BPCE and its member companies have decided to take strong action in this area. What does this mean in practice? The Group’s strategic objective for 2018 is to reduce its overall carbon emissions by 10% by 2020**. To achieve this, a number of concrete actions have been taken at Groupe BPCE level. These include the development of a guide of good practices for business travel that promotes financial savings and the reduction of CO2 emissions, the listing of electric vehicles in the solutions offered by BPCE Purchasing with a view to gradually replacing the fleet of business vehicles, and the widespread use of equipment enabling employees to limit their travel requirements (video or teleconference systems).
Groupe BPCE companies are also deeply involved in their respective regions. Almost all of them have already finalized their Mobility Plans and a great many other initiatives have been launched: low-emission vehicle fleets, car-sharing platforms, availability of teleworking solutions, rationalization of travel and interventions by service providers in response to emergencies, promotion of the use of electrically assisted bicycles (EABs), etc. Not to mention the awareness-building events scheduled throughout the year, such as online training courses on road risk prevention, eco-driving courses, and the organization of forums and meetings dedicated to mobility.
* Source : https://www.ademe.fr/particuliers-eco-citoyens/testez/limpact-deplacements
**Source : https://www.groupebpce.com/rse/notre-demarche-rse/