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Tuesday 24 september 2024
The first awards ceremony for the BPCE-ESCP Chair was held on September 22, 2024, in the presence of Nicolas Namias, Chairman of the BPCE Management Board, and Jacques Beyssade, Secretary General of Groupe BPCE.
This chair, entitled “Mutual and cooperative banking at the service of the economy” founded in April 2023 within the framework of a partnership between the ESCP business school and Groupe BPCE, is devoted to studying the role played by mutual and cooperative banking institutions worldwide, their commitment to serving the economy and local territorial regions, and their resilience in the context of economic crises. The chair reflects a desire to highlight the future-oriented business model represented by mutual and cooperative banks.
Opening the first awards ceremony, Nicolas Namias, Chairman of the BPCE Management Board and President of the BPCE-ESCP Chair, highlighted the fact that mutual and cooperative banks currently finance around 60% of the French economy, and that the cooperative model is therefore not an ‘alternative’ business model, but the majority banking model in France.
Three ‘BPCE’ prizes were awarded during the evening to students who had distinguished themselves by the quality and originality of their dissertations:
Finally, an Entrepreneur Award was presented to Théo Leforestier and Valérian Martin for Mycélium, a start-up company specializing in drone-based reforestation that combines Artificial Intelligence, data analysis and biodiversity to help Europe’s forests adapt to climate change.