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Monday, 6 july 2020
While increasingly encouraging signs suggest that the economy is emerging from recession, this recovery is overshadowed by questions about the control of health risks. The lockdown period, however, has had a major impact on the activity of the 1.5 million associations in France. Let our economists explain…
BPCE’s economists provide weekly analyses of the current situation and its socio-economic impacts in France and around the world, rounded off with theme-based focus studies, this time devoted to French associations.
Out of a total of 1.5 million associations, it is estimated that 68% have suffered a near total freeze in their activities and 67% of the entities with employees have resorted to short-time working hours. The return to normality is proving to be extremely gradual, with operational difficulties encountered in the process of getting things up and running once again.
However, associations have been affected to very different extents depending on their size and sector of activity: the medico-social and home help sectors have been particularly active while sports, cultural and leisure associations have shut down their operations on a massive scale owing to the incompatibility of their activities with the rules of the lockdown measures. These discrepancies reflect the uncertainties surrounding the future state of their financial situations.
In a word, while the associative sector seems to be demonstrating a certain degree of resilience, individual associations must anticipate a transformation in the way they work, notably with regard to digital technology whose role has gained in importance during this very particular period.