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Wednesday, 9 february 2022
The Group is actively pursuing its commitment to cut its carbon footprint and has signed up to the European Data Center Code of Conduct.
A few months after obtaining ISO 50001 and 14001 certification for their energy and environmental performance, four of the Group’s data centers located on the Albiréo campus in Castres (in the Tarn département in southern France, east of Toulouse) and on the Antarès campus in the Seine-et-Marne département east of Paris have further demonstrated their commitment to creating a more responsible digital environment by signing up to the European Data Center Code of Conduct. This commitment is in line with the climate ambitions of our BPCE 2024 strategic plan.
This means that the Group’s four data centers will continue to optimize the energy efficiency of their sites through a better understanding of energy demand within each unit, by launching a drive to heighten their teams’ awareness of the importance of these measures, and by recommending best practices and setting energy-efficient objectives.
The aim of the ‘Code of Conduct for Energy Efficiency in Data Centers,’ an initiative spearheaded by the European Commission, is to define the processes required for an organization to ensure that its IT operations create the smallest possible environmental impact. This leads it to draw up a set of best practices to limit the environmental footprint of its data centers and develop a collective strategy with the other Code signatories to improve energy efficiency over the long term.